About Renting Polaris Slingshots

Who can rent a Polaris Slingshot?
Drivers must be at least 25 years old with a valid driver’s license and auto liability insurance.

What are the safety requirements?
Use of safety gear and seatbelts is mandatory. Driving under the influence of alcohol or substances is prohibited.

What are the vehicle use restrictions?
There are specific areas where the vehicles can be operated, and renters are responsible for any damage or loss.

What is the policy for late returns?
Specific check-out and check-in times apply, and there are fees for late returns.

Is there a refund policy?
Generally, no refunds are given, but rescheduling may be possible due to bad weather.

What about security deposits and damages?
Procedures are in place for handling damages and security deposits.

Legal and Risk Considerations

What risks are acknowledged in the participation agreement?
Participants acknowledge the risks of physical injury, death, or property damage.

Is there a waiver for legal claims?
Renters waive the right to maintain a lawsuit against BRAR on certain grounds.

Do I need insurance?
Participants must have adequate insurance or be willing to cover the costs of any injury or damage.

What is the legal jurisdiction for disputes?
Legal proceedings must be in the state of Georgia, with its laws applying.

Can minors participate?
Minors can participate, but additional indemnification by parents or guardians is required.
For more detailed information, please refer to the rental agreement and participation documents provided by Blue Ridge Adventure Rentals.

Blue Ridge Slingshot Rentals